Repurchase Decision by Holding Company on Borsa Istanbul


Repurchase Decision by Holding Company on Borsa Istanbul

Net Holding (NTHOL) has announced its share buyback program determined during the board meeting held on October 2, 2024. The company developed the buyback program with the aim of addressing the fact that the stock values on Borsa Istanbul do not fully reflect the company’s actual performance, and to minimize any unusual price movements that may arise due to global economic conditions. A maximum fund of 850,000,000 TL has been allocated for the buyback of up to 18,200,000 shares within this program.

Due to negative economic conditions, geopolitical risks, and market fluctuations, the company aims to increase liquidity and create an environment conducive to healthy price formation. A one-year period has been set for the buyback transactions, which will take place on the Yıldız Market. It has been stated that relevant updates will be disclosed on the Public Disclosure Platform and that senior management will be authorized to carry out all necessary transactions.

The buyback program approved at the general assembly meeting was accepted by a majority vote during the extraordinary general assembly held on November 5, 2024. This decision is viewed as an important step to minimize potential fluctuations in the company’s shares and to enhance investor confidence.

The buyback program will be financed from the company's own resources and offers a strategic approach that will help quickly adapt to market conditions. Thus, it aims to provide protection against uncertainties arising in both national and international markets. The company's proactive stance has been positively received by shareholders.

Current status of NTHOL shares

NTHOL has continued its upward trend in recent months despite experiencing volatility. In the last month, the share price has risen to 41.8 TL with an increase of around 11%, and it has experienced a 116% value increase since the beginning of the year.